Waiting for a crisis to act is not a strategy because waiting ignores what’s already broken, says Harvard Business School Professor Mitchell Weiss in his new book, “We the Possibility: Harnessing Public Entrepreneurship to Solve Our Most Urgent Problems.”

With corporate value tied more closely than ever before to a firm’s social, intellectual, and human capital, how do successful businesses respond? Professor George Serafeim talks about his five-action framework for management and other concepts in his book, “Purpose + Profit: How Business Can Uplift the World.”

With the current pressures of global economics, Santa Claus is evaluating whether to outsource the production of electronic toys. Harvard Business School Professor Susanna Gallani and Harvard Extension School Instructor Gregory Sabin narrate points from their case, “Christmas Inc.”

In a promo for the February episodes of the Harvard Business School’s “Cold Call” podcast, faculty discuss case studies of Black business leaders and issues of race and diversity at the forefront.

Making voting more accessible through technology could allow more people to take part in elections. But it also poses critical downsides, says Harvard Business Scxhool Professor Mitchell Weiss in this promo for his appearance on the HBS “Cold Call” podcast.

In an episode of the Harvard Business School’s “Cold Call” podcast, Professor Geoffrey Jones explores the pros and cons of the globalization and commercialization of sport in his case study spanning from the 1930s to the 1970s, “Horst Dassler, Adidas, and the Commercialization of Sport.”

Harvard Business School MBA students who finish in the top 5% of their graduating class are known as Baker Scholars.

Harvard Business School Senior Fellow Karen Mills gives an example of the bright future of one small business from her new book, “Fintech, Small Business, and The American Dream.”

Harvard Business School Professor George Serafeim talks about how we can ensure companies are accountable for their impacts on all stakeholders through impact-weighted financial accounts.

A major exhibit about the formative years of Polaroid Corporation, drawn from the extensive Polaroid Archives donated to Baker Library in 2006, includes a tribute to the revolutionary Polaroid Land Camera that brought “instant photography” to the masses when it went on sale Friday, Nov. 26, 1948 in Boston.